Monday, July 30, 2012

Sunday, July 22nd

Sunday, July 22nd... most importantly, my dad's 50th birthday!! Happy birthday, dad! I woke up in Ireland around 10am which is the latest I've gotten up while being in the UK. It was so nice after a long day and night before. We all decided that we wanted to go to the Kilminham Goal (pronounced Killmainam Jail). Being the weird criminology major that I am, I really enjoyed this. It was creepy and eerie and packed with history. Famous Irish people were imprisoned there in the past and it had lots of stories to tell. 
Small part of Killmainham Goal

After the jail, we found a little cafe for lunch which was a mistake. We wasted a good 2 hours of the day just waiting for everyone to get their food. It was hit or miss whether we got what we actually ordered, but we were taking whatever we could get at that point. Although they had hands down the best lasagna that I've ever had! We went to a couple small tourist shops but quickly ran out of time. We had to get back to our hostel to get our stuff to meet the bus to the airport at 5:15pm. Everything went quickly and easily at the airport. We got all checked in and through security without any issues and ended up leaving Dublin about 10 minutes early. I really enjoyed Dublin but I was also ready to get back to London to "my own" bed! Also, I found my favorite little keepsake! :)

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