Thursday, August 9, 2012

Sunday, August 5th

Sunday, August 5th... Such a sad, sad day in my life!! The last day in London. :( I slept in and woke up in time to go to mass at Westminster Abbey. Yet another reason why I'd marry into royalty! That's where most royal weddings take place. Either way, the church as absolutely gorgeous. Holly and I got to sit with the choir which is considered an honor to them. It also made me miss high school choir and Ambassadors. We got done with mass, stumbled across our other comrades Becca and Sam and found some lunch. Of course I had my new favorite again, lasagna! Becca went to a play and the rest of us went back to Hyde Park to see what Olympic stuff was going on. Nothing special except we did get to see the official Olympic Torch and get our pictures with it. I've mentioned yoomoo frozen yogurt many times now... So I'll just say that the most exciting part of my day was that me, holly and Sam completely filled up our yoomoo loyalty cards an got a FREE YOOMOO!!! It was so exciting! That's a big deal to us! It's around $5 for a good yoomoo, so we went all out without free one. It was so delicious. 

After that, we returned to campus to catch up with people back home clarifying travel plans and we packed out belongings. I hate packing. This was the worse strike of reality that I've ever had. After we got done with that, we had to make our last night go out with a bang. We floated around to random lobbys and lounges on campus finding stuff to do with the people we spend the legendary month in England with. We played some card games for quite awhile which was really fun. We watched a couple movies, more YouTube videos, and even began to make a video ourselves but ran out of time. We eventually started settling down for the night (and by night I mean like 3am) when Holly finally commandeered me into putting on the god awful banana suit. BUT- I figured why not?! So it goes without saying that we had a good time with that. We all pulled all nighters together since we had to leave at 4:45am on coaches to get to the airport. It was a very fun night with all of the CCSA people, especially the few that grew to be best friends.

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