Saturday, June 9, 2012


Although class and homework is definitely the last thing I really want to think about in London, I'll have to face the fact that it is STUDY abroad. While at King's, I'll be taking 2 classes which will both count toward my graduation credits at ISU (and my criminology degree is almost done! Woo!). My two classes, one criminology and one psychology, are called "Our Concept of Mind and How British Psychology Shaped It" and "Law & Order: London". I'm pretty excited about both of them. Classes are split up into two groups: A and B.

My psychology class (group A) is taught by a guy named Tom Wilson who is from Belmont University in Tennessee. He's awesome so far by keeping in close contact with us, making sure we're somewhat familiar with each other, and sending us random packets in the mail of readings and stuff so we're not lost on day one of classes. We will meet on Monday mornings from 9:00-noon and Wednesday afternoons from 13:30-16:30 (or 1:30pm-4:30pm) with mandatory field trips on July 10th (University of Oxford), 19th (field trip for classmate bonding, he says), 24th (Cambridge) and August 2nd (Chichester). Also, it's not mandatory of him, but he is taking us to tour the inside of Buckingham Palace on August 1st! That's the one I'm looknig forward to most! We will have to pick an English psychologist to research and give a presentation over for the end of the program.

The criminology class is taught by an ISU professor who I haven't had yet, Lisa Decker. I hear she's not the most fun or relaxed teacher so I'm not really looking forward to that part of it. My crim class (group B) will meet on Monday afternoons from 13:30-16:30 (also 1:30pm-4:30pm) and Wednesday mornings from 9:00-noon with mandatory field trips on July 12th, 17th, 26th, and 31st. She hasn't really been in contact with us so I don't know where any of our field trips will be. I know we get to meet the police and guards... but who knows what she'll have in store for us. We will have 3 day weekends of Friday-Sunday without classes or mandatory trips. That's all I know about classes so far!

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