Saturday, June 9, 2012

About CCSA

Most people are asking "How did you get the chance to go to London?!" so here's the boring answer. How this whole program came about was through an organization called CCSA which is in Nashville, TN. Around 25 schools from the States are in it together and about a dozen "kids" from each college are going on this trip. Most if not all of the instructors are from the colleges here in the US and I don't think any of our instructors are actually English (which is probably a plus because I'd be admiring the accent versus listening to the material). Whereas I might not know many people going from ISU, there will at least be plenty of Americans going with me. I've met a few of them through Facebook and have been planning some weekend trips and stuff with them. I plan to take two weekend trips (with that info to come later too!) and spend the others actually in London. Well now you know about the bummer school part of the trip, so I'll try to make the rest more interesting and exciting! ;)

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